ITE Demo Page

Welcome to the ITE demo page!

Here we will show you how to use Infrasec's API to direct your Swish payments to your Swedbank account, with direct response. In this case, in the form of a Thank-You text message.

We provide your system with extra data such as telephone numbers and give you the opportunity to generate unique QR codes per transaction, as well as get payment status in real time. Infrasec enables all this without requiring the user to download an external app. All you need is the Swish app and the Infrasec SaaS API to have full transaction control.

The demo shows how you can create different types of Swish payments with predefined QR codes.

Note: Swish, Getswish and Swedbank are trademarks not owned by Infrasec.

How To

  1. Scan the QR code in your Swish app (or tap the image if you are on the phone).
  2. Pay 1 SEK by identifying yourself via Mobile BankID.
  3. You will now receive a thank you SMS and a refund of the amount.
GIVA Swish QR-code picture

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