ITE – Infrasec Transaction Engine
Smart payment solution without a separate App
Our service ITE for the Swedish payment system Swish, provides extended functionality for POS vendors and cash registers. We offer Swish as a POS integrated payment solution. It works in both physical store, web store and App's.
The key function with ITE vs standard Swish, is that there is no need for the user to have an extra App in order to provide full flow control.
The key function with ITE vs standard Swish, is that there is no need for the user to have an extra App in order to provide full flow control.
In partnership with Swedbank

Benefits with ITE
–Easy for the customer with custom QR codes.
–Direct real-time matching of customer information & amounts, without waiting for a separate account statement from the bank.
–Fast integration via API with your system, or a complete solution from Infrasec.
–Only the standard Swish app is needed, the user don't have to download a dedicated payment app for the purchase.
–Easy for the customer with custom QR codes.
–Direct real-time matching of customer information & amounts, without waiting for a separate account statement from the bank.
–Fast integration via API with your system, or a complete solution from Infrasec.
–Only the standard Swish app is needed, the user don't have to download a dedicated payment app for the purchase.
How it works
The customer scans a fixed or a dynamic Infrasec generated QR code with the Swish app. When the customer pays with Swish, the money is deposited in your linked bank account with Swedbank. Which account is determined by the Swish number, you can have one or more Swish numbers. The QR code also contains a reference for traceability. When the money is in your account, Infrasec receives a signal about this. You get the complete transaction information in real time via our API, ie: Name, mobile number, amount and reference.
When you have received information from us that a payment has been made, you can immediately link this to an action. Examples of connected actions:
Send a Text-message, open a door or start charging a car.
The customer scans a fixed or a dynamic Infrasec generated QR code with the Swish app. When the customer pays with Swish, the money is deposited in your linked bank account with Swedbank. Which account is determined by the Swish number, you can have one or more Swish numbers. The QR code also contains a reference for traceability. When the money is in your account, Infrasec receives a signal about this. You get the complete transaction information in real time via our API, ie: Name, mobile number, amount and reference.
When you have received information from us that a payment has been made, you can immediately link this to an action. Examples of connected actions:
Send a Text-message, open a door or start charging a car.

A connection is executed within PosConneXion framework with secure transactions using client X509.V.3 standard certificates. ITE Body data (Swish Request/Response) is formatted using simple XML structure and encoded as a PosConneXion Service of type SWISHC.
The PosConneXion ITE for Swish service authenticates, authorizes, verifies and audits requests for payment information concerning payments and refunds to the Store, through Swedbank Swish framework. Infrasec provides support to developers according to this agreement for the integration of PosConneXion SWISHC API and PosConneXion Enrollment API Communication.
A connection is executed within PosConneXion framework with secure transactions using client X509.V.3 standard certificates. ITE Body data (Swish Request/Response) is formatted using simple XML structure and encoded as a PosConneXion Service of type SWISHC.
The PosConneXion ITE for Swish service authenticates, authorizes, verifies and audits requests for payment information concerning payments and refunds to the Store, through Swedbank Swish framework. Infrasec provides support to developers according to this agreement for the integration of PosConneXion SWISHC API and PosConneXion Enrollment API Communication.

Real Time Data
All Swish transactions status, such as payment on bank account, name and phone number, is presented by the API in real time and are matched directly against the register transaction. No need to wave your phone in front of the register, the register can show status directly in the display.
All Swish transactions status, such as payment on bank account, name and phone number, is presented by the API in real time and are matched directly against the register transaction. No need to wave your phone in front of the register, the register can show status directly in the display.
Triggered Actions
Direct payment status and name/phone number without forcing the end customer to download another app. Makes life easier for the customer when using Swish payment for vending machines and payment for electric charging stations, public facilities, etc.
Direct payment status and name/phone number without forcing the end customer to download another app. Makes life easier for the customer when using Swish payment for vending machines and payment for electric charging stations, public facilities, etc.
Secure Transactions
All transactions are secured by using X.509 certificates. A connection is executed within PosConneXion framework with secure transactions using client X509.V.3 standard certificates.
All transactions are secured by using X.509 certificates. A connection is executed within PosConneXion framework with secure transactions using client X509.V.3 standard certificates.
Customer Video
Our customer Eways AB uses our product ITE for Swish in their daily business, this is how it works for them.
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